Join us in-person or live on YouTube each Sunday at 11 AM
 Past Worship Messages:

Sunday School – 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship – 11 AM
Nazareth PA 18064
610. 759. 7036

Our Mission:

Our mission is to share the Gospel and to make disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the Lehigh Valley and the World.

Our Vision: To be a Biblically functioning community of believers in Nazareth Engaged in Worship Growing through Evangelism Stronger through Discipleship Connected through Fellowship

Our Values:
WORSHIP – Worship is the act of ascribing worth, paying homage, showing respect and expressing adoration to God.  God values worship and seeks people to be His worshippers. Therefore, we will endeavor to worship Him corporately in public worship, privately in personal study and in the living out of our lives as spiritual sacrifices to bring glory and fame to God.  Further, our worship will be God centered, Biblically sound, purposeful, participatory, and will be at the very heart of all we do.
THE WORD OF GOD –The Word of God is inspired and infallible and as such is the final authority in all matters of life and godliness. Therefore, we are committed to a systematic study of what God’s Word has to say with special emphasis toward practical application.  
PRAYER – Prayer is communicating with God in word or thought publicly or privately and is an essential component to the life and power of believers and of the church as a whole. Therefore, the importance of prayer will be regularly stressed and practiced permeating all the activities of the church and shall be the primary purpose of one weekly public meeting.
DISCIPLESHIP – Discipleship is the process whereby Jesus commanded we encourage believers to become devoted followers of Christ. Therefore, we will accomplish this through biblical instruction stressing obedience and submission to Christ’s commands.  
LEADERSHIP – Biblical leadership is provided by elders of the church, following Christ’s example in shepherding, teaching, guiding and providing oversight under the ultimate authority of Christ who is the head of His Church. Therefore, we shall select elders who meet the Biblical qualifications as clearly mandated in the Scriptures.  God has provided deacons to minister to the church in matters of physical and material need to give the elders greater opportunity to focus on the ministry in the word of God and prayer.
SERVING GOD – We recognize that God has saved us for the purpose of serving Him and has equipped us with varied gifts. Therefore, we will endeavor to assist each believer in discovering and developing their gifts, talents and skills to serve the Lord.  Our goal in serving is not perfection but we will strive to bring God the Glory He deserves through the exercise of our gifts.
EVANGELISM – Jesus Christ commanded disciples to personally share the Gospel locally and abroad. Therefore, in obedience to His command we will keep the Gospel central to our outreach activities and will equip believers for personal evangelism in their families, workplace and community.
FELLOWSHIP – God created fellowship for mutual encouragement to strengthen believers through other believers. Therefore, we will provide and promote opportunity to develop and maintain relationships within the body so we can minister to one another as we follow after Christ.

What We Believe:

We believe in the Bible as the Authoritative and Inerrant Word of God.  

We believe man to be fallen and in need of a savior to have a right relationship with God the Father.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son who died and rose again to defeat sin and death once for all.
We believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin and who indwells all who believe.
We believe in Eternal Life in glory for all who confess Jesus as Lord.
We believe in Eternal Separation from God in torment for those who reject Jesus as Lord.
As a member church of the Bible Fellowship Churches we believe the central truths of the Bible have been faithfully summarized in the Statement of Faith found in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Principles for Living from the main BFC website, click a link below:  



Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Pastor John Sullivan, Senior Pastor

John came to Grace in September of 2024. He has previously served churches in Philadelphia, Allentown, Boston, and Central Jersey. He is married to Julia and they have two children, Auri and Johnny. He loves spending time with his wife and kids, hiking, hockey and meeting new people.

pastor staff pic
Pastor Carl Fischer, Senior Pastor
As the primary teaching pastor, Pastor Fischer has a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. He and his wife, Julie, have three adult sons. Carl also serves on the credentialing board for the Bible Fellowship Denomination.
Peter Cobucci, Elder
Peter serves as the director for Christian Education at Grace.  He is ultimately responsible for all Sunday school activities and small groups. Peter is married to Gail and they have two adult daughters.
John Wilson, Elder
John serves as our Youth Director.  John also is currently leading our Men’s Bible study, Man to Man.  He is also responsible for curating our Right Now Ministries Bible Study subscription.  John is married to Rachael and has three young children.
Jim Preslar, Elder
Jim serves as the treasurer for Grace and is our technology lead and website administrator.  He is also a regular delegate to the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.  Jim is regular teacher of our adult electives for Sunday school. Jim and his wife Rhonda have four children.
Diana Notaro, Administrative Assistant
Diana serves as our churches administrative assistant. Diana recently retired from full-time ministry with the International School Project (ISP)–a ministry of Cru.   Prior to ISP, Diana had a widely varied career including teaching Middle School Music and Choirs, directing circulation customer service for a large newspaper, having her own business in cosmetics, serving as the Missions Coordinator of a large church in Tennessee, to name a few. Now, it is time to invest deeper into this community serving the church family at Grace.