Triumph and Tragedy

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John 12:12-19

  1. All Exultant Crowd

John 12:12-15; Exodus 15:1-2; 1 Chronicles 16:23-26; Psalm 13:5-6; 96:1-3; 98:1; 104:33; 147:7; 149:1-3; Isaiah 42:10; 118:1-29

  1. A Prophesy Fulfilled

John 12:14-15; Psalm 118:25, 26; Zechariah 9:9

  1. Disciples in Progress

John 12:16; Luke 24:13-27; Acts 1:1-3

  1. A Reason to Follow

John 12:17-18; Luke 19:37-38; John 11:41-45

  1. A Reason to Rebel

John 12:19; John 11:44-53; 12:9-11

 Taking It Home

  1. How is your praise: Ritual or Genuine?
  2. Are you excited to see the Word of God being fulfilled in your life?
  3. Are you a disciple in process with unswerving commitment to the LORD?
  4. Are you following the Lord for the Right Reasons?
  5. When God asks you to do something that is against your natural bent, what is your response: rebellion or ready to obey?